Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Witch of Wookey Hole - Coming Soon

The final audio which will bring this short series to a close on Tuesday 9th September is called 'The Witch of Wookey Hole'.

The Doctor returns Rosie to her own time but a few miles south of her home. While waiting for her friend to pick her up, the Doctor and Rosie choose to investigate the strange goings on at Wookey Hole Showcaves. However, a murder in the caves is more than it seems and Rosie finds out a sinister secret from the Doctor's ancient past.

Monday 4 August 2014

Feast of the Haemovores - Coming Soon

The conclusion to the cliffhanger of 'Red Waters' will be addressed in the second half released Monday 11th August entitled 'Feast of the Haemovores'.

The Haemovores have awoken from under the surface of the icy waters and Petrograd is now in danger. The Doctor, Rosie and Lenin need to work together to defeat their bloodthirsty foes. But what will Rosie learn from this adventure and what darker paths lie ahead for the Doctor?

Monday 28 July 2014

Doctor Who - Revelations begins!

The first episode of our relaunched series (The Randomness Of The Twelfth Doctor Who) has returned as Doctor Who - Revelations. The series begins with the Doctor and Rosie reuniting in revolutionary Russia while a sinister menace stalks the docks.

Following from the Apollo Incident in 1969, the Doctor and Rosie have split up to cover their tracks. But when Rosie arrives in Petrograd 1917, so does another sinister force at works in the docks praying on the blood of the living.

Starring Matthew Beale as the Doctor and Megan Beale as Rosie Williams with Joel H & Joanne Beale.